
Foliar feeding

Foliar feeding is spraying with liquid fertilizer of plant leaves. There is need in it when the plant does not manage to get all the necessary substances through the root system and there are symptoms of a deficiency of nutrients. That is why you need an Vodoley sprayer on low-pressure tires that can move around the field with winter crops without damaging them.


Urea Ammonium nitrate UAN-32

UAN provides prolonged nutrition of plants with nitrogen. It contains at once three forms of nitrogen, and their cost price in UAN is the lowest, since the losses when using this form do not exceed 10% of total nitrogen, while when applying granular nitrogen fertilizers they reach 30-40%.


UAN-32 and liquid complex fertilizers or granular fertilizers

Fertilizers are used by agricultural producers to optimize the nutrition of farmed crops. Crops, replenishment of elements taken out with a crop (alienation from soil), and also for increase of soil fertility. At present, there is a relative variety of fertilizers on the market. All of them are divided into two large groups: mineral and organic.


Additional equipment of the Kuhn Planter 3 seeder for the application of the liquid fertilizers, UAN

Re-equipped seed drill Kuhn Planter 3 can simultaneously apply liquid fertilizers, UAN, PPP or a mixture thereof, with the sowing work. The modernization of the seed drill Kuh Plunder 3 will be made by a team of experienced masters, with a visit to the customers tecnics all over Ukraine.


Automation and Robotics - nearest future of the Agriculture

Robotic aggregates for harvesting berries significantly accelerate the harvesting process. The UAV will allow the owner to quickly inspect a considerable area and find out whether it has been properly processed. Robots are already doing different types of processing faster and cheaper.


Advantages of using the Aquarius sprayer and carbamide-ammonia mixture (UAN)

Carbamide-ammonia mixture UAN - a mixture of aqueous solutions of ammonium nitrate and urea. This is the only nitrogen fertilizer that includes all three forms of nitrogen, thanks to which the CAS acts for a prolonged time, and the plants are supplied with nitrogen during the growing season.


How can high technologies be useful for agrarians?

How to prevent the misuse or theft of petroleum products and liquid fertilizers? How to reduce the cost of processing of the land? High technologies will help in solving these and some other problems.


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