How can high technologies be useful for agrarians?

How to prevent the misuse or theft of petroleum products and liquid fertilizers? How to reduce the cost of processing of the land? High technologies will help in solving these and other problems.

UAV will help to determine how much land was handled in reality

Let's start with such an important moment as monitoring the state of the earth. If there is need to process a large area, there is always a risk of misuse of fuels and lubricants. If on the paper processed 300 hectares, and in the reality – 100 (the ones that are available for viewing from the car cab, standing on the roadside), then there is a theft.

Unmanned aerial vehicle will do such work faster and cheaper. Having flown over the entire territory of interest of the customer, it will make a video recording of the state of the soil. It is clear that the first control must be performed before start of the work, the second – after it completion. The psychological factor will help here – even a lazy contractor will work more carefully, knowing about such a quality control system of his labor.

UAVs can assess the state of the green mass of plants

Another direction of UAV application is the analysis of the state of plants. A camera (like Parrot Sequoia) allows you to analyze the photosynthetic active green mass of plants in a certain area. The problem is relevant, if only because there is a human factor. Agronomist, passing through the field, banally ceases to distinguish the shades of green after half an hour of flickering of the leaves before his eyes.

But the camera just can not get tired. The data stored on the hard disk will be analyzed by the computer. After that their results will appear in the form of visual graphs and will be available for understanding and analysis.

Such data should be collected regularly, which further increases their value. Several years of the observation make it possible to establish precisely the places of reduced yields on the field. Further in this place it is necessary to select samples for agrochemical soil analysis. This can also make a drone.

After determining the areas of reduced yield and identifying the reasons, it is necessary to compile a cartogram of trace elements in the soil and take measures. Another area where modern technologies can help is cloud storage services.

The results of soil condition studies is better to store in the cloud

Unfortunately, but the raider attack on any enterprise can happens. If you store all the data about the processing of fields on local PCs, their abduction will become a real loss. But if the owner thought about the security of his business and placed all the important data in the cloud (or at least their archival copies), the theft will not have such consequences.

Encrypted data on local media will not be such an easy prey for intruders. And the company's employees will be able to connect to the cloud storage from the new office (or from the apartment) and continue working almost as usual.

How you can know how much fertilizer was poured out and where?

Another "vulnerability" in your company's finances – the process of insertion of the liquid fertilizes or PPP. How can you be sure how much the driver poured out on this field? What if he lowered the outflow? And poured on the field less than it should. This is one of the schemes of theft. In the loser – enterprise.

Computer «Vodoley» «will remember» where exactly and how much was poured liquid fertilizes

If a spraying computer «Vodoley» with a GPS module is installed on the monitoring object, then such variants of «gaining profit» will not pass. This computer juxtapose the the rate of outflow of the working fluid with reference to the coordinates determined by GPS.

trajectory of the sprayer along the field with a visual display of the compliance rate of the outflow


Comment on the image: The line of motion of the equipment along the field is colored in three colors: green – the set rate of outflow was observed correctly (the permissible fluctuations in percent are set in the personal cabinet). Red – there was poured more than the norm, blue – less than the norm.


Due to this the owner can see in real time how liquid fertilizers are used (or the plant protection products). The information is stored in the Agrosystem's database and is available for later viewing and analysis using any gadget with an Internet connection.


Where can be installed spraying computer «Vodoley»

This computer can be installed on the sprayer or any other equipment that can be modernizated to use the liquid fertilizer. Most often it is a seeder, cultivator or tractor. Due to such modernization, the technics allows its owner to perform simultaneously its typical tasks and the application of liquid forms of fertilizers, UAN, PPP or mixtures thereof.

As a result – the owner will be able to track the trajectory of the movement of equipment at all stages of work, which should reduce the number of non-earmarked usage of the fuel.

Thus, by ordering the service of re-equipment of the seeder or cultivator, the owner not only gets the opportunity to applicatee the liquid fertilizers at the same time as the main work of this unit. There is an opportunity to accurately track the coordinates of the movement of technic, the volume of fertilizer outflow on each field, which will reduce costs and increase the profitability of the enterprise.

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