Application of granular fertilizers

We offer a range of services in Ukraine for the application of liquid fertilizers using a field rod sprayer  Rosa. The work is carried out by a self-propelled sprayer "Rosa", the outflow rate is supported by on-board spraying computer with a GPS module. The parallel driving system helps to cultivate the area without gaps and re-applying. Processing results are stored in the cloud and are available for viewing via the Web interface and API..

"ROSA" sprayer – minimum ground pressure

Fields are treated with the Rosa sprayer. on extra-low pressure tires so tramlines do not appear. Delivery of liquid fertilizers (KAS32) to the field is carried out by company vehicles, which ensures a continuous supply of working fluid to the fields, allowing you to increase productivity and work speed.


Low ground pressure

Light weight and ultra-low pressure tiresmake the Rosa sprayer extremely passable - during the application of UAN 32, ZhKU, it exerts pressure on the soil no more than 160 g / cm2. When equipment on conventional wheels cannot work – "Rosa" will perform all the necessary operations in full.

Light weight of the sprayer "Rosa" and ultra-low pressure tires allow:

  • Perform work on weakly bearing or waterlogged soils (including swampy areas);
  • Apply KAS32 fertilizer in early spring (on melting snow);
  • Start field work 2-3 weeks earlier than is possible for vehicles on conventional wheels;
  • Apply fertilizers on fields with winter seedlings in the tillering phase, without leaving a rut, without compacting the fertile soil layer;
  • Operate with high performance rates (up to 40 ha/hour), with a diesel fuel consumption of about 0.2 l/ha.

If necessary, the sprayer can be operated on regular wheels (18cm wide).

The result of applying CAS 32, ZhKU, PPP is saved in the cloud

The spraying computer transmits the coordinates of the pour point and the amount of poured liquid to the database, after which the result of processing can be viewed via the Web interface and API.

The cost of services is negotiated in each case individually and depends on the volume and timing of the work. Works are carried out throughout Ukraine.

The cost of services is negotiated in each case individually and depends on the scope and timing of the work.

Links to download documents:

Safety data sheet developed in accordance with the requirements of EU Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH) for urea-ammonia mixture (UAS-32).

Recommendations for applying liquid mineral fertilizers.

We are in social networks



Phone: +38 (050) 420-03-57
