To increase the yield, any land needs to be treated with fertilizers. The most rational solution for today is liquid fertilizers. The spraying computer can keep the liquid fertilizer pouring out at the desired level even when the speed of the technics fluctuates. To do this, you need to re-equip the seeder and cultivator.
Of course, in order to get the maximum benefits from liquid fertilizers, you should applicate them using the technique that is equipped with the on-board computer «Vodoley 1» with a GPS module and equipment with electronic control, for the supply of working fluid. For what it is necessary to re-equip a standard cultivator (seeder) and its functional will expand.
Modernization of seeders and cultivators expands their capabilities, which requires a computer and a fluid supply system. During the work the on-board computer «Vodoley» performs the following tasks:
The result of the additional equipment of the cultivator with all the recommended kit will be the ability to control the fertilization process as efficiently as possible. The application rate of the fertilize will be constant, regardless of the speed of the machinery. In the process of processing, the driver will see the flow, current fluid flow parameters, other moments. Thus, without buying a new technique, and ordering the re-equipping of the seeder that already exists, you get the opportunity to make the most efficient use of liquid fertilizers.
When upgrading the seeder with the agronavigator «Vodoley 2» it is possible to watch the accuracy of the movement of equipment on the field online in the AgroSystems account. The screen shows the area of passage through the field to be processed, in case of overlapping (re-applying to already processed areas) or openings without processing, this is immediately apparent. Evaluating the results on the screen, the driver can adjust his movements across the field.
If you need a one-time processing of the field, you can order for this self-propelled sprayer «Vodoley» on ultra-low pressure tires, that will perform all the works even on the wetland. It will produce foliar feeding, moving along the field with the plants in the tillering phase. Thanks to the low pressure of the wheels of «Vodoley»(100-160 g/cm2), the plants will rise up on day 2-3.