Re-equipment of seed drills for the application of liquid fertilizers

The usage of starter fertilizers increases the yield, due to the acceleration of the growth of cultivated plants at the stage of the sprout. Good nutrition enables young plants to better resist diseases and pests, to compete effectively with weeds. Reasonable question - how to reduce the cost of applicating of the starter fertilizers? The most optimal solution to this issue is the re-equipment of seeders for the application of liquid fertilizers, UAN, plant protection products (PPP).

Re-equipped John Deere tractor for applicating a destructor for a disc harrow
General view of the re-equipped KUHN Planter 3
Seeder Kinze-3600 16-row
Cultivator, re-equipped for liquid fertilizer and UAN-32 application

Re-equipment of seed drills for the application of liquid fertilizers

The company "Comprehensive AgroService" makes additional equipment of seeders for application of liquid forms of fertilizers, as a result of which the seeder can:

  • Simultaneously with the sowing operations, insert UAN, fertilizers, PPP or a mixture thereof;
  • Carry out seeding in the normal mode.

Separate plus of the liquid form - in one tank it is possible to mix several active substances (UAN, liquid complex fertilizers, plants protection products). Due to this, in one pass of the re-equipped seeder, several types of processing are performed on the field at once.

Re-equipped seed drill Kinze-3600 16-row

What should be installed on the seeder

The following components will be installed on the seed drill:

The main task of the «Vodoley» spraying computer is to synchronize the outflow rate with the speed of the machinery. Thanks to this, even with variations in the speed of movement, a planned amount of fertilizers will be poured onto each hectare.

Rebuilt seeder Prosem-k16 16th row

The coordinates of work will be stored in the database of the Agrosystem

The presence of the GPS module allows the computer to tie the coordinates of technics to the current speed of outflow. The data is transmitted via the GSM channel to the Agrosystem's database. Later, the results can be viewed using any device that has an Internet connection.

In addition, the computer provides the following information:

  • Shows the current speed (km/h) and the distance traveled;
  • The area that already processed, hours of operation;
  • Feed rate (l/min), amount of liquid already poured (L), current fluid pressure in the system (Bar);
  • The current status of the valves (open/close).

A report on the re-equipping of KINZE and Prosem seed drills for the application of liquid fertilizers can be found on our website here.

If you need to process a large area, you can order a service of applying liquid fertilizers on your field using the self-propelled sprayer «Vodoley».

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