What is the system of exact farming

Applying modern technologies, agrarians (theoretically) can increase the profitability of the enterprise. But you need to understand that to get the result you need either to immediately use an integrated approach (which not everyone can afford), or to accurately use the technology that will help to particular this enterprise.

Precision farming system, its elements taking into account the capabilities of modern technologies

Actions Applied technologies
 Evaluation of previously obtained harvest (for several years)  Reporting documentation
 Comparison with productivity in other areas, world experience  Reporting documentation, press, books
 Agrochemical analysis of this territory together with geodesy (hills, pits)  Agrochemical analysis with GPS tracking
 Drawing up a plan of crops  Maps of the area
 Drawing up a cartogram of the fertilization plan taking into account the already existing substances in the soil and the culture needs  Site Map, the results of agrochemical soil analysis
 Actually, the introduction of fertilizer, which can be:
  • At autumn;
  • In spring - presowing;
  • Spring-summer.
  • Parallel driving;
  • Electronic control of the outflow rate;
  • Preservation of data on the dose in the electronic database.
 Harvesting with the use of precision seeders
  • GPS tracking;
  • Parallel driving;
  • Precision seeders;
  • Preservation of seeding results in the database.
  Evaluation of the territory using UAV  UAV, GPS tracking
 Assessment of the state of crops using UAV, search for pest infestation sites for the introduction of UAN, assessment of requirements in fertilizers  UAV, GPS tracking
 Harvesting using modern technologies. Accounting for yield per hectare. Mapping yields on the site  «Precise» harvesters, GPS tracking
 Drawing up a plan of crops and processing in the future  Reporting documentation

Precision farming begins with precise cultivation of the land

If you decided to start somewhere using of the precize technologies, then you need to choose parallel driving, which allows you to avoid unnecessary waste immediately - the driver will applicate fertilizer without gaps and overlaps. You can use for this the device of parallel driving «Vodoley 2».

Accurate compliance with the rate of outflow of liquid fertilizers - computer «Vodoley»

Further, in order to avoid excessive consumption of fertilizers, it is worth using liquid fertilizers and a «Vodoley» spraying computer with a GPS module that ensures compliance with the outflow rate even when mooving with a variable speed. Data on the results of processing are transferred to the database of the Agrosystem, where they are stored and available for further analysis.

In the photo below you can see the result of processing the territory on the example of one field. Green color of the line means that the flow rate is correct at this segment of the movement. Red indicates the excess of the dose, blue - that the required rate is underfulfilled.

Database of the Agrosystem is an element of the system of exact farming

Database of the Agrosystem is an element of the system of precise farming

Assessing the results of previous field treatments, you have the opportunity to more accurately calculate for each specific field, how much fertilizer should be contributed to get a good harvest in the future. The result of processing each field can be viewed at different zoom levels.

Precision seeders are also an important element of the precision farming system

After the exact control of the introduction of fertilizers is established, owner can think of the use of precision seeders. To see for sure if this approach benefits, it is necessary to sow several fields with a «mixed compound» - half of the field with precision seeders and the other with conventional seeders. After that, evaluate the results by controlling the germination. Next, you need to compare the yield increase on the «exact» half of the field and another halve of it. And after that, you can assess how quickly the cost of exact seeders will be repaid by income from increased yields.

UAV - the eyes of the agrarians in the system of precision farming

UAVs will be needed to assess the quality of soil cultivation, germination and generally green mass. But if we take into account the fact that trained personnel are needed together with such a purchase, it may be cheaper to order a field monitoring service from third-party companies. This can be a good idea also because control should be carried out by independent persons. As an example, according to the documents, 500 ha was plowed, and in reality 300 - the fact of misuse of fuel and lubricants is obvious. To find this out, you can use service of an independent company with drones.

Since there is still no «exemplary» enterprise, where everything is fully automated and its performance and technological methods remain «leveled», it should be recognized that precise farming is not an «exact science», but rather an experiment or even an art. The profitability depends on how rationally the owner chooses the technology to be used on this particular enterprise.

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