Field Navigator «Vodoley 2+RTK» with RTK module

The Field Navigator - Parallel line guidance «Vodoley 2+RTK» developed by the company «Comprehensive AgroService» can be additionally equipped with the RTK module, after which the device can determine the coordinates of the equipment with an accuracy of several centimeters. This allows you to process the area with the greatest possible accuracy, which saves working fluid even in comparison with the usual GPS positioning.


More precisely, than GPS will be only GPS + RTK


The standard accuracy of GPS is associated with a decimeter error, which does not always prevent the impact on the already processed territory. Given that the average distance between the nozzles is 30-50 cm, it is possible to re-process the width of capture in 1-2 nozzles.


Field navigator «Vodoley 2+RTK» with RTC module - even more savings of liquid fertilizers


Using the Field Navigator «Vodoley 2+RTK» with the RTK module, you can avoid skipping or repeating even 50 cm wide. And the more the treated area, the greater the saving of liquid fertilizers or UAN 32 you will get.

You can work with a dealer station RTK in your region, and with your personal.

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