Sprayer maintenance

Regular maintenance of the sprayer ensures its operation ability during the entire estimated period of operation. A separate «hazard» in the work of sprayers is regular contact with chemically aggressive pesticides.

After carrying out an external inspection of the machine should be washed. Bolt connections need to tighten and check for damage to the paint on the sprayer housing. It is in these places that corrosion from exposure to liquid fertilizers can begin. Therefore, such «cosmetic» defects must be treated with the utmost seriousness and timely eliminate them.

At the same time, the junctions of the hydraulic systems, the presence of the flow of oil or working fluid, and all the nodes that do not need to be disassembled are checked.

Allocate daily maintenance, the first and maintenance during storage.

Everyday maintenance is carried out daily after completion of work. If the work on the machine is performed in shifts, then the daily maintenance should be performed after the 2nd shift, no later than 12 hours after the work.

Daily maintenance

Before starting work:

  • Check all machine components;
  • Lubricate the driveline;
  • Check the tightness of the connections of all hoses;
  • Ensure that the oil level in the pump is sufficient.

After finishing work:

  • Clean the car from dirt and dust;
  • Check for leaks of oil or working fluid, take action;
  • The remains of working liquid must be removed from the tank and communications;
  • Wash the system with clean water or ammonia solution. If, upon completion of the work, the liquid remains a little, you can dilute it 10 times with clean water and re-deposit it in the same field. For most herbicides overdose is 10% not dangerous.
  • Immediately after arrival, you need to check the degree of heating of the bearings, shafts, housings.

Once every two shifts need to clean the coarse filter. Wash the self-cleaning fine filter after each change. Individual spray filters should be flushed every 4 shifts or immediately if the spray cone is not visually detected.

Upon completion of all work, the entire system must be flushed with clean water, for which the tank is filled to 10% and the pump is turned on.

In the operation of the pump it is important to monitor the oil level. After every 500 hours of operation, the oil and membrane must be replaced. You should always keep in mind that a sharp change in the color of the oil indicates a violation of the integrity of the membrane. If this happens, you must immediately stop working, replace the membrane and oil.

First maintenance

The same actions are performed as with every shift, with some additions.

  • The technical condition of hoses must be checked.
  • The state of all filters must be checked.
  • An assessment of the permeability of all spray nozzles, faulty replace.
  • Tire pressure, tension of belts and chains at first maintenance should be checked and adjusted.
  • The mechanisms of stabilization and unfolding of the sprayer boom should be checked.
  • The fluid supply system and the tank must be especially carefully checked during first maintenance. Herbicides deposits should be removed from the walls of the tank; if there are signs of violation of the patency of the pipes, it is necessary to restore their permeability or replace them.

Maintenance before Storage

There are such storage options sprayer:

  • Interchangeable - up to 10 days;
  • Short-term - from 10 days to 2 months;
  • Long term - more than 2 months.

The term of parking without the use of a sprayer less than 10 days is considered to be «Between shift». The sprayer should be prepared for such storage immediately after being parked. The fluid inlet, openings of the pump and console should be protected from possible rain. It is better if storage will be performed indoors or under a shed.

Short-term storage - from 10 days to 2 months. It must be done immediately after work. In addition to the actions specified for inter-shift storage, the sprayer should be cleaned of dust, dirt and installed on the unloading trestles.

Long-term storage also requires preparatory work immediately upon completion of processing. The working fluid supply system is washed, blown with compressed air and closed with stoppers for storage. If it is not possible to drain the system, then after cleaning, antifreeze is poured into the system (more here).

To prepare for long-term storage, check and restore the color of all metal parts where it is damaged.

For long-term storage, the sprayer must leave with clean oil in the pump. All detected deformations of the boom, damage to the hoses and other parts of the sprayer are entered into the defective list so that all these problems could be eliminated during storage.

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