Wash your sprayer after every work, to ensure that it works longer, and you didn't have to unwind and manually check all the nozzles, hoses, adapters, filters, pressure regulators.
Mandatory flushing of the entire supply system of the working fluid after each application extends the service life of both the sprayer as a whole and its entire equipment. That is why many sprayers have a clean water tank and special computer modes for cleaning after work.
Especially toxic for equipping the sprayer are betanals and liquid fertilizers.
A common problem is - after the field has been processed, there is little working solution left in the tank, is it possible to leave it in the tank or is it better to spend time and energy on washing the sprayer? Experts categorically do not recommend leaving the working fluid in the tank. The first frost will put an end to the work of pipes and pumps due to their mechanical damage.
Many fertilizers are very chemical aggressive and have a destructive effect on metal parts. But even if this does not happen, decomposition of the drugs occurs in the solution. For some of them a few hours are enough. The sediment thus deposited will be very difficult to remove. In order to prevent such a development of events, it is sufficient to simply flush the sprayer and its entire working fluid supply system upon completion of work.
Thus, there are few risks for the sprayer system from liquid fertilizers lefting in tank:
The simplest solution is to dilute it with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and deposit it in the same field. For most drugs, a 10% overdose does not pose any threat to plants.
For some fertilizers on the market there is a special liquid for washing the sprayer. For each model, there are instructions on how best to proceed - recommendations may vary, depending on which particular model of equipment you have.
As an example, we give recommendations on the washing and cleaning of the sprayer after applying the class of sulfonylureas, preparations known for their aftereffect and therefore requiring an especially careful approach.
Instead of ammonia, sodium hypochlorite can be used to flush the sprayer. Do not drain the wash water into the reservoirs and sewage system.