Employees laboratory in vitro (laboratory biotehnologycal micro propagation of plants) in the year 2013 has passed exclusive courses based on Nikitsky Botanical Sad, Under the leadership of professor Mytrofanova Olga Vladymyrovna. Thanks to that, the laboratory, created on the basis of Energomekhkomplekt LLC, meets all modern requirements. The location of the premises, as well as their equipment, were made taking into account the recommendations of the experts of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, with an impressive experience in this matter.
Today, laboratory of biotehnologycal micro propagation of the plants (company LLC Energomechcomplekt) cooperates with phyto-laboratory virology and biotechnology National University byoresursov and of nature.
The main areas of research and production activity of the laboratory in vitro are related to the cultivation of crops that are beneficial to grow in the Southeast of Ukraine. Today it is medicinal plants of the essential oil plants group (mint, rhodiola, sturgeon, lavender, thyme, rose ephiromass), floral and berry. Flower group: orchid Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium, already in the process of reproduction representatives of family orchid sp."vand", with expected term of implementation readiness at summer-autumn of the year 2018.
Climatic features allow growing in the south of Ukraine and pavlovniy - a tree that is characterized by a high growth rate and excellent quality of wood. Her sprouts, multiplied in vitro, are available for order.
1. Scientific consultant Evgeniy Shkopinsky - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, ZNU.
2. Fokina Anastasiya Vladimirovna - Senior Researcher. Graduated from the Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University, specializing in industrial biotechnology.
The principles of work of laboratory staff in vitro are regulated by the instructions received at the courses in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden and other scientific materials.
We offer services for creating a laboratory for clonal micropropagation of plants. Consultations, project development, equipping with equipment, training of personnel on our base. Consultations on preparation of nutrient solutions, equipment sterilization, departure of our specialists to the customer.