Rental of sprayer of the «Vodoley» series for application of liquid fertilizers

For the introduction of liquid fertilizers, the optimal solution will be the rent of the sprayers of the «Vodoley» series with the on-board computer. This sprayer is designed to work with liquid fertilizers, UAN, plant protection products.

Thanks to low pressure tires, which exert pressure on the ground not more than 160 g/cm2, this technics can:

  • Work on a field with a wet soil, where the technics with ordinary wheels will not go (get bogged down);
  • Move across the field with plants in the tillering phase without damaging them (the required height of the stalk is up to 50 cm).

The overall benefit of such tires is high throughput with minimal pressure on soil and plants. Works can be started in the spring 3 weeks earlier than with technic on standard wheels.

Rental of a sprayer for applying of the liquid fertilizers

Another plus of the lease of the self-propelled sprayer «Vodoley» is the on-board computer with the GSM module installed on it. Electronic control ensures accurate correspondence of the speed of the machinery and the rates of pouring out the working fluid. This approach guarantees the safety of crops, which is especially important during foliar top feeding, since violation of the norms of UAN application in this case is fraught with leaf burns.

In a tank with liquid fertilizer, there can be herbicides and fungicides at the same time, so that several treatments are performed in one pass of the sprayer.

Your benefits of renting of the «Vodoley» sprayer

Designed specifically for the application of liquid fertilizers, UAN, PPP sprayer of the «Vodoley» series will provide you:

  1. High performance (more than 30Ga/hour);
  2. Exact adherence to the application rate;
  3. The ability to combine several processing types in a single pass;
  4. Minimal impact on the soil.

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