Micro propagation for reproduction of rare and expensive plants

To obtain a large batch of seedlings of the selection variety in the shortest possible time, the best choice is microclonal propagation of plants.

Micropropagation is a quick method of obtaining of the new seedlings

Reproduction of plants is possible by seeds and cuttings. The second method is important in that it allows the re-creation of a new plant, genetically identical to the parent. If we are talking about a rare varieties, then this is the only acceptable variant of reproduction. The traditional approach (cuttings propagation) has a number of drawbacks, why the method of microclonal propagation of plants appeared.

If you have several original plants from which you need to get genetically homogenous offspring, then traditional propagation by cuttings can be too long in time, which is often unacceptable in business. For the year at best, several (dozens) of new plants will be obtained.

Moreover, if the organism of the plant is affected by the infection, even attempts of propagation will give infected offspring. Today, in order to obtain high-quality seedlings, microcloning or plant multiplication in vitro is increasingly being used (another name is meristem culture). Future seedlings grow from the cells of the meristem kidneys of the mother plant.

Microcloning method capabilities

Microcloning of plants has the following advantages:

  • The resulting seedlings are completely cleared of various infections, so it has a powerful growth potential;
  • All plants obtained by microcloning are genetically identical and will give an equally high rate of vegetation and fruiting;
  • The work can be done at any season;
  • This approach is initially mass-oriented – the expected quantity of seedlings varies from hundreds to thousands;
  • The speed of obtaining such a massive order is not comparable to that of the cuttings;
  • As a consequence, the price of each plant is lower than under the traditional approach.

This service will be very useful for representatives of agribusiness, interested in obtaining a large batch of selection variety that will yield a good harvest. The timing of the next batch of seedlings is predictable, which simplifies the planning of work.

Which varieties can be cloned by micropropagation

For the maximum speed of obtaining seedlings in the laboratory, samples of few varieties are stored, which can be replicated as soon as possible. To date, these are three groups of plants:

  • Essential oil;
  • Berry;
  • Decorative.

A more detailed list of varieties available for breeding can be viewed here.

The second option is the reproduction of the variety that provided by the customer. In this case, the duration of the cycle can be up to 14 months and the output can be several thousand plants, genetically identical to the one that was provided.

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